Sarah A Buckley
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success for the whole human

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I’m Sarah. I have an overwhelming passion for life. For most of my life this passion and energy was stored in my hyperactive mind, overthinking and just trying to do things right.

I followed the corporate ladder, had a successful and high paying career at Amazon, worked out 7 days a week, invested my money in retirement, ate healthy and only drank alcohol on Saturdays.

I thought this was “the right way to do life” which led me to create success on the outside but I was missing something. The way I worked brought me anxiety, a desire to control, rigidity, disconnection and unsatisfying relationships.

I have always been a sensitive and intuitive person. But at the time I didn’t have the knowledge or skills to know I was actually working as hard as I could to override my body and inner self.

So the closer I got to being “successful”, the more unaware and disconnected I was from myself.

When I got fired from my leadership position at Amazon I had my wake up call.

The universe showed me I needed to let go of who I thought I needed to be, take off the mask, and stop trying to control.

This is when I found coaching. Since then?

It’s my mission to support thousands of people love the work they do in the world. To go from corporate boss to soul-led CEO. To quit their 9-5 jobs that suck their soul and to live their definition of success, to feel trusting and at ease with their money, to have a life full of meaning and purpose.

My clients do things they thought were impossible. They are tired of their boring 9-5 and start businesses aligned with their purpose. They increase their income in their career by hitting the goals they set. They pay off student loan debt that has been hovering over their inboxes for years. They travel to the vacation that has been on their wish list AND invest in themselves without worrying about spending too much. They fulfil their dreams of moving across the country to a California beach town. They create freedom and success from the inside - out.


a 5 night transformational retreat in the heart of Central America

Villa Sumaya, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, June 1-6, 2024


Private coaching

in a 1:1 format for those that are committed and value reaching their goals in a VIP private experience.



for companies that value increasing communication, motivation and business results within their team

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online courses to guide you to becoming your own boss
