How I created consistent $5k months in my life coaching business

I'm peeling back the curtain on how I created consistent $5k months in my life coaching business.


I wish I knew this was normal back in the day. Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes! It's okay if it's hard and you're scared and you aren't sure how it's going to work out.


What matters is you stop at nothing to become the person you want to be. That's always what it is all about.


I thought it would never work because I was trying so many things and was comparing the money I was making to my corporate career to make myself feel bad about the money I had made!


Ugh shadow work.

But I’m learning to celebrate myself now.

Because I thought I needed to work on myself and take another certification before I could start my business.

I thought I had to heal and become more confident BEFORE I could start making more money. 

I thought I had to do a group program when creating $5k months because I was looking outside of myself for answers.

There's no right way! It's about your way you feel most excited about. 


But it is fun to see how others that have walked before you have done it ;)


Let's dive into this mini training….

I followed these 4 steps.

1. Used organic marketing (messaging, content creation and networking) to meet new people. 

2. Grew my spiritual fitness 

3. Made offers to anyone and everyone who would listen. 

4. Got clear on my offer. 


Let’s break it down.


You’ve made some money, but your nervous system and bank account would love some consistency. 


But consistent results need a strong foundation to build on. 


You wouldn’t ask for consistent results in the gym if you showed up once a week? You wouldn’t expect to be really strong if you only ran long distance? 


Some of you are talking about your offer once a week, trying one new workshop, doing one collaboration and thinking it’s not working.


There is not one thing that will work for you. It will all work. 

But you have to keep showing up. Because if you think it’s not working, it means it’s working on you first. 


Your leadership. Your belief. Your identity. When you are so focused on how do I get clients? 


You have lost your connection to your why. When you are connected to your love for what you do you will be willing to try anything. Here’s what my process looked like...


1. Organic Marketing It’s a fancy way of saying marketing that is free. This includes social media, email, networking, in person events, hosting workshops, community outreach, business outreach, referrals. 


I was a member of my community in many ways; yoga teacher, crossfit, hiking etc. My first group program had 4 people in it. They were all from different sources. Someone random found me on IG, a friend I knew from high school, yoga client and crossfit friend. It’s always working.


2. Spiritual Fitness If you take the path of entrepreneurship you know your shadows show up. Fears, doubt, insecurities can not be hidden when you are stepping into your highest self. 


I found my relationship with God again. I grew my faith stronger with each bolder move I took. Because you have to believe in your faith over your fear when building a business. The easiest way to do that is relax into the hands of God/Source/Universe.


3. Made Offers I created online workshops, led challenges, led a mindset workshop at Reebok (I was still working there at the time) and talked about being a life coach, attended in person networking events, did event collaborations with other coaches, received referrals, clients resigned.


4. Created Core Offer When you are first starting you may not know who you want to help or how you want to work (group, 1:1, retreats, in person, online etc.). 


That is the point of trying everything and letting it work on you to figure out what you love to do. But you do want a core offer for people to land. I created a 12 week online group program to help women change their jobs into one they love. 


I was teaching mindset, mindfulness and transformation but you always to market to the conscious result people desire not how you are getting them there.


From this steady place I was able to build. $1500 month turned into a $10k launch turned into $5k months on repeat, turned into a $20k launch and will turn into $10k months on repeat this year. You don’t need the 4 step process. You need to be around someone that’s done the work to walk you into what’s possible. You need faith in what you’re here to do. You need the identity of a CEO. It’s exactly what we do inside of my programs & retreats.


And it's available to you right now. Break free from overthinking and step into your curiosity.

-Join us on retreat in sunny Florida this winter February 22-26

-Enter the training room, a 6 month done with you program to create consistent $5k months.


OR FOR THE CRAZY ONES! Bundle them for the ultimate experience.

Sarah Buckley