Loving your career is easier than you think. You have so much to offer the world. You already know how to be successful. Now is the time to fully connect how hard you work towards a career that works for you.

You don’t have to know exactly what it looks like in order to commit to loving your career again.

It’s not as hard as you think.

It’s as simple as finding your process of self reflection that works for you, knowing who you are and then creating intentional results through this new lens.

Then, all you have to do is take small action steps each week that integrate your definition of success and this new energy that you have.

That’s it.

There is so much possibility waiting for you. I bring you through every simple step inside our weekly coaching session.

Simple isn’t asking everyone in your life what you should do next, worrying or complaining about work, spending time thinking about applying to jobs or saying I’m going to change something soon.

In the beginning you feel unsure that it’s possible for you to feel confident you’re doing the right thing. That is okay. When you are doing something you’ve never done before your mind is going to want to focus on what you don’t have. Enough control, the perfect education, enough time.

I will help you with what you do need.

I have helped my clients through every thought and question that comes up when they go to make changes.

I’ve found the simplest way to do it.

In our coaching container we don’t focus on the how or what if’s we focus on the most vital part. Who you are becoming.

You are ready to hire support to start loving your job again. You are so excited about what is possible for you when you feel inspired in your daily life. You want to take action towards that next step right now.

There is so much possibility waiting for you.

The process really is simple. There is one reason you don’t love your career. 

You have channeled so much of what you have to offer into what you think you should be doing.

You forgot about what really lights you up. You started to become scared of doing the wrong thing.

You don’t want to do that any longer.

You have decided you are ready for a bigger purpose.

Because there is no right way to do life. There is just your way.

And we are going to change this inside ELEVATE.

You will start doing what’s best for you.

You will make clear and aligned decisions.

You will feel excited to know exactly who you are.

You will discover your mind and body connection again.

You will feel more confident, clear and inspired to go to work every day.

There is nothing that feels better than that.

Inside ELEVATE you will master 3 steps…

  1. Self Reflection

  2. Knowing Who You Are

  3. Intentional Results

When you master these three steps you will have all the tools you need to feel clear in who you are and how you want to move forward in your career so you can feel inspired and fufilled.


On week one we will look at why you are not feeling satisfied or fulfilled with your career. We will create a thought download where you pull to the surface all of your thoughts and feelings.

From there we will look at how you got to this point and what the desire is moving forward. You will think big here and you will allow any vision to come through you.

Then we will examine the default energy that comes up when you go to envision that possibility. I’m not sure that will work out, I am not sure I can do that, I don’t think that is possible etc.

Then you will consciously decide who you need to be in order to achieve those things. We will give you all the tools you need to overcome anything that comes up.

No matter what your current career is Elevate will give you the tools you need in order to start loving your job again. I have developed these through the last 4 years of my journey where I changed companies, fell in love with my career again, changed careers and started my own business.

When you join Elevate you start with the simple goal of loving your job again. Everyone has the same goal and the community will support you to make sure you make it happen.

The process that I teach has been proven with all of my clients.

When you join Elevate you….

  • Master yourself and do what’s best for you

  • Know exactly who you are

  • Learn how to make clear and aligned decisions

  • Discover your purpose

  • Love your career

Because the way to love your career more and more is to know exactly who you are. You will feel so clear on what to do next and you will be supported the entire way. It is so much fun as a community.



  • Over 12 weeks you will be invited to our weekly coaching calls live or you can watch recorded

  • Community support & accountability through a private slack channel

  • Access to our pre-recorded course

  • On demand access to all resources, workshops & recordings


“Sarah is so thoughtful with her interactions and guidance. She is wise beyond words and truly cares about coaching her clients to create the life you desire.”

— kim

“I gained confidence in myself that I never new I already had.”

— margaret

“The most eye opening, inspiring, and growth inducing experience I have had.”

— nicole