a 2 day leadership & outdoor experience
September 28-30
If you want to reach the next level of leadership and success in your life you’re going to want to read on...
I never wanted to be a leader. In fact I wanted to stay on the side lines so I didn’t have to be seen in front of other people.
I spent more effort trying to control how others perceived me rather than focused on who I could be for my own growth.
When I started digging into the personal development world, reading all the self-help books, hiring my first coach and starting a reflection practice. I started to work on my growth mindset. But I realized I was still staying in my hyperactive mind.
I had changed my thoughts and created new awareness but I was still trying to make everything perfect and control the things around me and I didn’t know why. I knew what I wanted to experience and I just couldn’t seem to fully get there.
I also noticed most leaders also prioritized mindset work and it didn’t work for them either.
And after working with hundreds of leaders I have found what does.
Leadership isn’t created through the mind.
True leadership is created through the body.
If you do not have a connection to your body you cannot be a leader.
Most leaders are neglecting the body and only prioritizing the mind. This leads to…
Constant state of stress because you are working harder or overworking
Getting sick often because you can’t slow down
Lack of clarity because you don’t speak up when you want to
Doing other peoples work
Backing down from speaking or presentation opportunities
Wanting to increase your income in your business or job but feeling doubtful
Embodied leadership is about waking up slowly in the morning with a clear confidence around who you are and where you are headed. No more chugging coffee and rushing to your computer to make sure you haven’t made any mistakes overnight. No more uncertainty that keeps you holding back. It’s time to be an embodied leader.
What you can expect after this experience…
-Trusting your team, your communication and yourself
-Taking actions with ease that aligns from your highest self
-Feeling calm and clear in any meeting or presentation you are leading
Schedule of Events
2 Day Schedule:
September 28, 5-6:00pm EST
Online Zoom Training
How to connect to your intuition to create clarity
How to create accountability to follow your intuition
Using your connection to your body as a leadership strategy
Clearer understanding of where you are being called to step into next
September 30, 8-11am
In Person Community Hike @ Mount Pemigewasset (3.3 miles & 1,253 elevation gain)
It can be hard to try something new with a group of people you don’t know yet. Not only that but being vulnerable enough to unlock the strength in the body that has been waiting for you to access. Now isn’t the time to follow your routine - it’s time to lead.
Join us.
Embodied Experience One Month VIP Coaching
Get out of the head and into the body to love your job and make the money you want to.
Three (3) - one hour 1:1 VIP private calls to be used over the course of a month
BONUS: this VIP experience will be free if you apply it to a 3 month 1:1 package after completion
What you can expect from this experience
A deeper understanding of the energy shift in the body required to create the intention you set in this workshop
To have clarity and excitement for next steps in your career
Loving your job and experiencing excitement through it
Scenes from last years hiking experience…