the money movement
5 weeks to stabilize and create more money
November 1-30
How we experience money is how we experience ourself. If we feel shaky in our ability to create it or receive it - We will not create a steady ground for it.
In fact we will get rid of it.
Whether that means circulating it faster or holding onto it harder.
I decided at a young age - 14 to be exact I would always have a job and would always work hard for money.
I loved it. I loved that feeling you got when you could pay for something you earned. I loved that ability to buy what I wanted when I wanted. I loved the feeling of exchange.
These quick hits of wanting more just kept coming.
This led to always trying to control.
This had nothing to do with money. It had everything to do with me.
My foundation was so guarded I didn’t have a stable ground - I had a cage.
I also noticed people around me had similiar extremes. I had friends with no extra money counting how much their meal was.
I also had friends that had already invested six figures by the time they were 25.
It didn’t matter what career someone was in that had them using money as a resource to experience life and reach their goals.
It mattered how they moved in the world.
If you are constantly moving with rigididty and lack of trust you are going to achieve and not experience.
If you move timidly belieiving life is happening to you you are going to never have enough money.
Because your relationship with money is a reflection of the relationship with yourself.
Most people think money is a circumstance that is happening to them. This leads to…
Disempowerment because you are trading your time for money
Limiting yourself because you experience money in scarcity
Extremes in money circulation - buying anything or hoarding it away
Avoidance because you don’t have clarity
Thinking it’s too late or it doesn’t really matter
Wanting to increase your income in your business or job but feeling doubtful
The money movement is about realizing how you move in the world is how you relate to money.
What you can expect after this experience…
-Understanding of what has been holding you back from increasing your income
-Plan to stabilize your income, investments and goals
-Increase in income
Schedule of Events
2 Day Schedule:
November 1, 5-6:00pm EST
Online Zoom Training
How to connect to your intuition to create clarity
How to create accountability to follow your intuition
Using your connection to your body as a leadership strategy
Clearer understanding of where you are being called to step into next
Join us.